Herbal Smoke Blend for Saining
All Herbal Bundles come with a pack of charcoal discs.
Saining for
Grounding & Protection
Clearing & Protection
Dreaming & Protection
All herbs grown and harvest with the moon, with love & with prayer. Celtic herbs grown or wild crafted sustainably from éire or abla.
Smoke blends were created in sacred ceremony on 31st October 2022.
These blends are meant to be used in sacred ceremony, can be very smoky and only require a little for each use.
All Herbal Bundles come with a pack of charcoal discs.
Saining for
Grounding & Protection
Clearing & Protection
Dreaming & Protection
All herbs grown and harvest with the moon, with love & with prayer. Celtic herbs grown or wild crafted sustainably from éire or abla.
Smoke blends were created in sacred ceremony on 31st October 2022.
These blends are meant to be used in sacred ceremony, can be very smoky and only require a little for each use.
All Herbal Bundles come with a pack of charcoal discs.
Saining for
Grounding & Protection
Clearing & Protection
Dreaming & Protection
All herbs grown and harvest with the moon, with love & with prayer. Celtic herbs grown or wild crafted sustainably from éire or abla.
Smoke blends were created in sacred ceremony on 31st October 2022.
These blends are meant to be used in sacred ceremony, can be very smoky and only require a little for each use.
Pricing & accessibility
Cost reflects the immense amount of energy, time, focus, learned knowledge & intuitive wisdom in every single bottle. I appreciate they will not be accessible to everyone. All of my other work has a sliding scale and is highly accessible. All proceeds for these medicines will go towards the rest of my Clinical Herbalist degree and after I reach that target, 10% of profit will go to Solidarity Apothecary.
On top of this, one item per batch will be available at two thirds cost for single parents who are struggling, racialised people, people who come from and currently experience working class standard of living and people who are prevented from being able to work due to mental or physical illness. Email to order, no proof needed, but please do not take advantage of this if it does not apply to you.
What herbs are inside?
If you would like to know the herbs in each potion, please email me at hawthorn.herbalism@gmail.com to ask. Whilst I strongly believe in the accessibility of folk herbalism, I have unfortunately very often experienced people copying my work and claiming as their own for social or financial gain. Whilst the knowledge and wisdom of herbalism is not mine alone, the relationship I have built with each plant I use, as well as the intuitive blend of plant companions in each bundle is a result of a lot of time & energy from myself.