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Sacred Well Ceremony (& Singing for the Waters) @Salisbury Centre

An evening ceremony @ the Salisbury Centre Sacred Well (which was reopened and restored by passioned volunteered in 2021 during lockdown)

In honour of the times we are living in, this ceremony is an opportunity to honour the Water as the sacred element which we have to rebalance in our life and in society as a whole.

We will create a safe sacred space to bring more balance within our live, our communities and also offer any healing toward The Salisbury Centre 50th Anniversary celebration (see here)

Water is the element that represent:

  • The mother, the Sacred Womb, the Feminine

  • Slowing down (as opposed to the fast energy of Fire)

  • Listening & Reflecting

  • Receptivity & Reciprocity

  • Flowing & purification

  • Flexibility

  • Honouring the ancestors & the primordial grandmothers (creative energies)

  • Creativity

  • Nurturing and nourishment

These are attributes which, in society as a whole and often in our personal lives, have been suffocated by the embedded patriarchy, fast faced rhythms fuelled by fiery competition, race toward the “top”, penetrative, exploitative and colonising forces/attitudes.

Tuning into the resonance of The Salisbury Centre 50th Anniversary Celebration, this evening ceremony will focus around restoring some balance in the energetics of community, by giving attention, making offerings and sharing song about/for and to the Water.

Much attention is often given to Fire (bonfire, fire ceremonies), the Earth (Gardening, permaculture) and Air (Creative practices) but rarely the Water is honoured & given any attention.


This Ceremony will offer an opportunity to:

  • Honour The Salisbury Centre Sacred Well

  • Make offering to the Water & create a Water altar (with candles & offerings)

  • Set intention for our own personal water (and where our Water/Fire are out of balance)

  • Dedicate our healing to the healing of the Water

  • Sing many songs, rounds and harmonies about water/rivers/oceans

  • Share any prayers & reflection in community

  • Hear stories from those who have been involved with The Salisbury Centre well (or similar related work) in the past


To express interest and booking please email:


  • Numbers capped to 15 (so expression of interest/booking required)


There is a suggested donation of £5 - £15 for this event to honour reciprocity, raise money for The Salisbury Centre, support organisational time & cover materials/offerings

Please bring cash, card or donate via Salisbury Centre website here (and use Reference “Sacred Well”)

In the Mayan calendar, Wednesday 12th April is also the day associated to “Red Self Existing Moon”, which is an energy associated to honouring structure (Tone 4 -Self existing = Structure/Form) of the Water and the flow (“Moon = Purifying, Flow, Universal Waters”). Hence it is an auspicious day to gather in ceremony for honouring an healthy structure to contain and hold the Water (E.g. what a better form than a Sacred Well!!)

11 April

Kiran-Inspired chanting: Harmonic Mantra & Devotional singing

17 April

Ritualistic Georgian Supra (Toasting our Values!) @ Salisbury Centre Community Suppers!