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Co-created community campout (& Despacho fire ceremony) for Bealtaine full moon.

  • Roslin Chapel EH259PQ (map)


***** Due to Rain Forecast the whole day, and to give people enough time to make alternative arrangements we have decided to postpone this event to a later date. Keep posted on the website*****

Join us in the magical Roslyn forest for this co-created community campout for Bealtaine full moon.

We will gather at 7pm and will share an intimate ceilidh style fire ceremony (& if the Energy Feels right also a Despacho fire ceremony)

Despacho is a ceremonyto honour the land, our collective dreaming for the collective and to celebrate the arrival of Summer

Despacho offer an opportunity to call-in and dream together all the positive changes we would like to see in the future for ourselves and our communities. A “Despacho” is a shared powerful ceremony (originally from the Peruvian Andes) to express gratitude, give back to the Land and sow together powerful prayers for a shared manifestation.

Despachos are usually performed as a form of "Ayni" (or reciprocity) with the universe, and when done from the heart and with conscious intent, it helps us to enter in direct communication with the sacred as well as remembering the interconnectedness of all things. By offering our prayers and intentions, we enable a reconnection with the land and we can sow the seeds for anything we would like to see growing in the new year.


As part of the ceremony you may chose o bring with you some Symbolic Offerings to add to the Despacho Fire Ceremony (More information will be provided on the day)

These items/offerings will be offered to the fire in a bundle.

(May you not be able to think or bring any offering there will be some provided for everyone on the day, but please do if you can)

Any items you might choose to bring as an offering should represent and contain a meaning/representation which is meaningful to you, in relation to what you want the next 50 year to hold.

 For instance…

  • …You might bring a bird feather , as a representation of your wish for more “lightness” and “ease” in the coming years.

  • …Or you could bring some honey, to symbolically express gratitude to the bees and their cooperative attitude, and as a prayer to have more collaboration and community building. 

  • …Or maybe a simple script of paper with a prayer/poem written on it.

  • …Offering some Water drops from a river next to your house as a symbol of “home” & “flowing”, praying that all human beings can find a safe home in the Salisbury Centre (Or wishing the centre cleansing and purification)


Use your imagination and generosity (you can bring multiple items) and there is no right or wrong

A (non-exhaustive) list of possible items with variable meanings is:

  • – Grains , rice, fruits, food , honey

  • – Crystals, stones, jewels

  • – drops of Liqueurs, flower essences, essential oils, natural soaps

  • – Sacred objects, man made symbols, drawings, writings

  • – Symbolic objects, relics, fossils

  • – Animal products (e.g. fur, images, feathers, butteflies’ wings)

  • – Candles, ashes, coal

  • – Soil, Petals,leaves, plants, seeds

  • -Memories, relics, tapestry

  • -Homemade crafts, cakes, bundles, art

  • – Salt, spices, sugar etc..

You can think of the Despacho as a work of art, or as a symbolic representation of the purpose behind it, or both. Mandala arrangements are common, as these can represent and contain multiple meanings and representations. (You can be creative and use your imagination!


All the offerings will be placed as a mandala on a central large sheet of paper which will ultimately be made into a bundle and offered to the sacred fire.

Before or/and after the Despacho (which will happen if conditions are right) we will gather round the fire and share songs, creativity etc…
Bring a song, story or anything else to share, but no pressure - bringing yourself is enough.

Bring with you - PLEASE READ

  • Head-torch & Warm clothes (waterproofs)

  • Something to sit on in case of wet surfaces

  • £5 towards firewood as we like to not take disrupt the ecosystem of the forest (it’s not managed for sustainable wood)

  • Anything you’d like to burn in the bealtaine full moon bonfire

If staying for Camping:

  • all that you need to camp overnight - tent, sleeping bag, sleeping matt, hot water bottle.

  • Please note that this is an unticketed event. Hence you take full responsibility for your wellbeing, safety and self-care as well as the one of anybody else you might bring with you . (Everyone needs to book)

  • bring enough WATER and food that you will be happy with from 7pm until the next morning (snacks, breakfast) and a few veggie pieces to cook over the fire collectively (or your own dinner if you prefer)

We will gather at 18:45 outside the Roslyn Chapel

Ar 19:00 we will make our way to where we will be sharing space.(10 mins walk)

Location will be provided upon booking (if need to reach us later)
Bring a song, story or anything else to share, but no pressure - brining yourself is enough.


6 May

Sacred Well Gridding Ceremony (Roslin Glen forest Well)

7 May

Beltane, Birch & Brehon Laws - Community Gathering in Roslyn Glen!